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الرئيسية Black flies

Black flies

          There are many insects that have a big role in creating and transmitting many medically important Microorganisms. These vectors can transmit infectious diseases between humans or from animals to humans. Most of these vectors are blood sucking insects, which get a disease producing microorganism during feeding on the blood of an infected host whether a human or an animal, and after that inject the disease into a new host in another feeding meal ( WHO | Vector-borne diseases) .The best known disease vectors are Mosquitoes, ticks, sandflies, fleas, flies and triatomine bugs. This article is going to talk mainly about the black flies. [1]
   The black fly is a member of the family Simuliidae of the Culicomorpha infraorder. Scientists have discovered over than 2.200 species of black flies among them 15 species are extinct. The black flies are divided into two subfamilies:  the Parasimuliinae and the Simuliinae (Adler, Peter H.; Crosskey, Roger W. (2017)). Most kinds of black flies feel on the blood of mammals including humans. However, male black flies feed on nectar, they are often small and black or gray which short legs. Black flies spread several diseases including river blindness.[2]
     Black flies are the main reason for the transmission of Parasitic nematode Onchocerca Volvulus which lead to Onchocerciasis or " river blindness". The insect plays the role of the larval host for the disease and then acts as the vector by which the disease is being transmitted. The parasite lives on human skin and is transmitted to the black fly during feeding. (Service, MW (2008). Medical Entomology for Students. Cambridge University Press. pp. 81–92)[3]

3.     Service, MW (2008). Medical Entomology for Students. Cambridge University Press. pp. 81–92.

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