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الرئيسية Everything about Pregnancy complications

Everything about Pregnancy complications

Early detection of pregnancy complications
Pregnancies have plenty of uncomfortable symptoms even normal and uncomplicated ones. However, quick consultancy of your doctor is a must if you feel any of the following:
·         Strange bleeding or leaking fluid from your vagina.
·         permanent headache that is very painful and doesn't want to go away,
·         Pain or cramping in the lower abdomen.
·         Tense and sudden swelling in your hands or face.
·         fever
·         severe vomiting and nausea
·         blurred vision
·         Decreased fetal movement after the 28th week.
It's Ok, most of these complications can be treated, but it's important to detect them early.

Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes happens during pregnancy and it often goes away after the baby is born.  About 5% of women get gestational diabetes during pregnancy. You will get a glucose test by your doctor in the 26th week to test for this disease.
Not Enough or Too Much Amniotic Fluid
Any of these problems can cause problems for you and your baby.  If you have a lot of amniotic fluid, your doctor may need to remove some with a long needle to prevent premature labor. And if you have too little amniotic fluid, the doctor will need to induce labor early to prevent problems for the baby.
Rh Incompatibility
If there is a component called Rh factor in the blood of the baby while doesn't exist in the mother's blood, the baby can develop Rh disease.  Problems might happen during th second pregnancy if even only a few cells of the baby's blood have leaked into the mother's blood during delivery. The doctor can test for Rh incompatibility with amniocentesis and may opt to deliver the baby early. There is a drug to be taken after the birth of the first baby to prevent this problem in the future pregnancies.
Placenta Previa
If the development of the placenta is too low in the uterus, there will be no enough blood for the fetus.  In addition, the mother will bleed. The doctor will usually order bed rest. In most cases, especially if it’s caught early, the problem will resolve itself. But if the problem is discovered late in pregnancy, the baby will need to be delivered by cesarean section.
This condition might occur after the 20th week and it causes high blood pressure and possible problems with the mother's kidneys and other organs.  If the baby is close to term, the doctor will probably induce labor. If it's yet early to delivery, the doctor will monitor the mother closely; prescribe bed red, medication and possibly hospitalization.
Preterm Labor
If labor starts before the 37th week, the doctor will try to prevent it with medications and bed rest. And if the labor can't be stopped, the baby will be born prematurely.
Post Maturity
A pregnancy that delays two weeks or more past the due date is considered to be over term.  This can be dangerous on the baby because after the 40th weeks, only little amount of oxygen and nutrients reaches the baby. Also, when the baby gets bigger, it will be difficult to have vaginal birth. Some doctors induce at 42 weeks while others leave it and monitor it closely if the baby and the mother seem healthy.

Risk factors for pregnancy complications
You may be at risk if you:
·         have a known genetic abnormality
·         are overweight
·         have a serious health condition such as sickle cell anemia or hepatitis or an STD
·         have high blood pressure
·         are over 35
If you continue to drink alcoholic drinks, smoke or use recreational drugs.

problem of Lack of sufficient number of nurses
·       Cost-containment pressures within health care organizations resulting from managed care and an increasingly competitive health care environment
·       Hospital consolidation, downsizing and reengineering
·       Reductions in inpatient hospitalization rates
·       Increased acuity of hospital patients
·       A shift of outpatient care from hospitals to ambulatory and community-based settings

Parasites in certain foods, soil, cat feces or even in bodies of healthy women cause various infections that can be dangerous to the fetus. Some of the more common ones include Group B strep, Listeriosis, and Toxoplasmosis. Precaution about cleanliness and what you eat will prevent all these things. Others get test routinely and treated with antibiotics.

·        High number of pregnant deaths

·        High number of newborn deaths

The administration and organization of health care systems, hospital networks, and other health care settings, all these can greatly affect health outcomes, quality of care, and patient satisfaction. RAND researches have checked care coordination and integration, the organization and administration of military heath care and how new models of payment and care delivery under health care delivery under health care reform may tell the way the health care systems and settings are managed and organized.
Lack of mentoring. More than 25% of healthcare employees reported that they feel their organization offered too little monitoring. Only 37% of employees thought their organizations provided the chance to mentor others, compared to 59% of employees. This tells that monitoring opportunities are available but not publicized well. 
Limited or not enough access to technology. During the struggle of healthcare organizations to implement technology to maintain efficient operations, their worker may be suffering.  Twenty-three percent of healthcare professionals complained feeling of not having complete access to technology, the number was slightly higher for registered nurses at 29 percent. About half the employees felt that their healthcare organization offered technology training, interestingly, the perception was more common among employees than employers.  Only 38% of employers expressed that the facility provided facility training. 
Many hospitals thought of replacing manual operations with information/communication systems, such as record keeping.  But information/communications systems can be used for much more than electronic record keeping. With incredible advances in computational speed and capacity and parallel advances in computer software, clinical information and communications systems can provide immediate access to information, including patient-based information (e.g., past laboratory values and current diagnoses and medications), institution-based information (e.g., drug-resistance patterns of various bacteria to different antibiotics), profession-based information (e.g., clinical-practice guidelines, including summaries of recommended best practices in various situations), real-time decision support (e.g., alerts about potential drug interactions or dosing patterns in a patient with a compromised drug-metabolism mechanism), practice-surveillance support (e.g., reminders about upcoming screening tests recommended for a patient), and population health data (e.g., for epidemiological research, disease and biohazard surveillance, notification of post-introduction adverse drug events).

Summary of health care objectives 3:
Protect pregnant women
Protection of newborn babies
Early detection of cases with complications of pregnancy
Health education and awareness of patients
Attention to the administrative organization of hospitals to achieve the highest quality and best performance
Introduce modern systems to develop the department and increase efficiency

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